
Eustacia Sukarto’s User Page


I am a senior at University of California, San Diego majoring in Computer Science. I am also an upcoming software engineer (backend/fullstack) at Splunk. My current programming interests include algorithms, databases, and backend development, but I am open to exploring other areas of programming.

Work Experience

  1. Splunk Inc - San Francisco, CA
    Software Engineering Intern (Developer Platform - SDLC), June - September 2022
    • Publish versioned docker images for service base image using semantic-release (automatically determines the next semantic version number through commit messages: fix = patch release, feat = minor release, BREAKING CHANGE = major release).
    • Create a dashboard to visualize the utilization of specific base images.
    • Add features to various existing repos, working with Go, CI/CD, SPL, Terraform, multi-project pipelines, Gitlab API, Slack API, AWS.
  2. PT TapTalk Teknologi - Jakarta, Indonesia
    Software Engineering Intern (Backend), June - September 2021

  3. PT Paragon Pratama Teknologi (StickEarn) - Jakarta, Indonesia
    Software Engineering Intern (Backend), June - August 2020

More About Me

Find a picture of me here.

In my free time, I enjoy watching movies, playing the piano and singing in a choir. I have done some math, piano, and programming tutoring for various age groups:

Note: This site was built using GitHub Pages as part of UCSD’s CSE 110 Lab 1 assignment.